PSE & G NJ Rates
PSE&G electricity customers in New Jersey paying basic generation service rates, the PSE&G default rate, are paying among the highest electric rates in the country. The basic generation service rates are supply electricity rates that PSE&G charges customers who have not selected and alternative electric generation supplier. These default rates are based on a series of auctions that PSEG holds for their customers. Electricity suppliers compete to provide rates for a percentage of the PSEG default customers.
PSE&G passes the supply rates from the electricity companies who win at the auction directly on to customers. So even when a customer pays the basic generation service default rate, they are still paying money for their supply service to another electric supplier other than PSE&G.
Lower electric rates can be selected by customers who take the time to shop and find their own electricity supplier. When the auction for default rates takes place electricity suppliers have to take into account that a certain percentage of customers will leave the basic generation service during the year. For example, if an electric company wins the right to provide default service for 100,000 customers starting in June, they have to put a premium on the price taking into account that there is a probability that 15% of these customers might sign a contract with an alternative electricity supplier who is offering a lower electric rate.
When electricity suppliers market their service and rates to individual customers, they do not have to include a premium since they are pricing for one entity. This results in lower rates and savings on the PSE&G electric bill.
Here are some current offers and savings for electricity customers in PSE&G: