Higher Summer Electric Bills for PPL Customers
Electricity rates will be increasing for PP&L customers who remain on the default “Price to Compare” rate on June 1, 2012 for both residential and business consumers. Residential consumers will see a 11.9% increase on their electricity supply charges which include electricity generation and transmission costs.
PP&L is encouraging their customers to shop for competitive power in order to lower their electric bills. Competitive electric rates are available that are lower than the default rates. Pennsylvania electricity choice allows consumers to shop and compare electric rates from multiple power companies. No matter which electricity company is chosen to supply power, PP&L customers continue to receive power delivery service and their monthly electric bill from PP&L.
Many consumers still paying the “Price to Compare” rate offered by PP&L are doing so out of loyalty. Customers should understand that PP&L is not in the business of offering competitive generation rates and are now only in the business of delivery the power and managing the distribution lines. PP&L does not profit from the default rates that they offer, and instead passes the revenues from these charges onto other energy companies who have won the contract to provide service to default paying customers through an auction process.
Customers who refuse to shop for the best electric rates will see the price they pay for electricity go from 6.935 cents on May 31, 2012 to 7.993 on June 1, 2012. So far 40% of all residential customers in the PP&L utility area are buying power from competitive electricity companies. That number is expected to grow to over 50% by the end of the summer, resulting in the majority of the market being participants in energy choice.
Below are the best electric rates available from competitive suppliers. The rates are updated daily.