Electricity Supplier Alternatives to PECO Price to Compare Rate
PECO Energy increased their rates for generation and transmission service on September 1, 2015. The company had been charging their customers $0.082 from May 1st through the end of August, but when the calendar turned to September the rate went up to $0.0849 which is a 3.5% increase. Though small, the increase comes at a time when people are trying to reduce their monthly expenses due to a struggling economy and rising costs.
Alternatives due exist for PECO Energy customers due to the fact that Pennsylvania is an energy choice state, which allows them to shop for competitive electricity suppliers. In Pennsylvania alternative electricity suppliers can offer service to customers for their generation and transmission costs, which is the component of the PECO electric bill that recently increased.
PECO Energy provides power to the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. By taking the time to compare electricity prices in Philadelphia, these customers can get off of the PECO default rate and start paying less for electricity.
Generation and transmission costs make up the official PECO Price to Compare rate, the price that PECO charges to their customers for electricity generation supply who do not buy their power from an alternative supplier. Currently several alternative PECO electricity suppliers are offering electric rates that are lower than the price to compare; a scenario that will result in lower electric bills for a customer who decides to switch suppliers.
As of June 1, 2023, 21% of PECO residential customers have elected to purchase their power from an alternative supplier. The remaining four-fifths continue to purchase their power supply from PECO Energy at the higher price to compare rate.
The competitive electricity market provides an easy way for customers to save money. Customers who do not shop for lower rates are paying more for their electricity than what is needed. As a utility company, PECO Energy is in charge of delivering power to all of their customers at regulated distribution charges, regardless of who the customer chooses to supply their power.
PECO Energy is also responsible for charging default rate payers the price to compare for their power supply, however they do not profit from this side of the business. Instead they collect that money and transfer it over to electricity suppliers who won previously held auctions to provide power to the default rate paying class.
PECO Energy customers who are still paying the default price to compare rate can save money by shopping for alternative electricity suppliers below. All supplier and their rate offers have been approved by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.