Electricity Rate Savings Available for PPL Businesses
On March 1, 2013 PP&L raised their price to compare electric rate by an average of 13% for small and medium size businesses. The price to compare is the default rate that PPL customers pay for generation and transmission service who have not entered into a competitive electricity agreement with a competitive power supplier. Through Pennsylvania electricity choice businesses have the ability to shop for competitive electric rates than can offer substantial savings versus the PPL utility default rate.
As the state’s second largest electric utility, the rate increase imposed by PP&L will effect a large number of businesses throughout central Pennsylvania. Roughly 90,000 businesses in the area will see their electric rate increase to $0.1039 (10.39 cents) per KWh. Meanwhile competitive rates for business consumers spending over $600 a month are as low as $0.082 (8.2 cents) which can provide savings of 17.5% once the gross receipts tax is factored.
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission reports that 47% of commercial customers in the PP&L service area are still on the price to compare rate structure. All of these customers should take immediate action and find a low fixed electric rate that will provide lower PP&L electric bills. Low PP&L electric rates will offer immediate savings versus the default rate and also protect the business customer from further potential price hikes that can take effect as early as June.
Compare low PP&L business electric rates below. Simply choose your utility (PPL) and your average monthly electric bill. You will then be given a matrix that will let you compare fixed electric rates by term and start month.