Connecticut Light & Power Tariff Rates Drop, But Savings Still Available
January 13, 2010
Customers on default supply service in the Connecticut Light & Power (CLP) area recently experience a drop in their rates. Small to medium size businesses in this area, customers who spend roughly $2,000 to $10,000 a month, saw their rates drop from $0.1247 per KWh in the end of 2009 to $0.11723 starting in January 2010. This represents a 6% savings in the supply portion on the CLP bill.
An estimated 60% of businesses in the CLP territory are now paying this new default rate. The remaining 40% have elected to participate in the competitive market and have contracted their supply service out to alternative suppliers. The majority of the customers who have shopped are paying electricity rates far less than even the new default rates.
Despite recent energy prices rising due to a cold winter and lower than expected gas storage levels, Connecticut businesses can still save an additional 6-12% off of their utilities default rates. In addition to the immediate savings, customers who lock in rates for a year or two will be protected from any increases in the default tariff rates during that period.
For information on lower electricity rates in your area, post a message with your email and we will send you a list of competitive suppliers and their rates for your area.
Peter Schoenberg Said,
February 13, 2010 @ 8:37 am
I am a CL&P customer [home usage] and would like a list of competitive suppliers and their rates for my area.
Thank you!
loans Said,
March 9, 2010 @ 6:21 pm
I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found to be extremely interesting. I will be coming back to for more information.