PSEG Electricity
PSEG electricity customers can save money on the supply portion of their electric bill by buying their power from an alternative supplier. PSEG default electric rates, labeled Basic Generation Service (BGS) by the state of New Jersey, are currently higher than some competitive offers.
The delivery portion of the bill remains regulated and serviced by PSE&G. Some electric companies offer dual billing in which you receive one bill from PSEG Energy for the delivery portion, and a separate bill for the supply charges from the alternative electricity company.
The more popular choice is to receive single, or consolidated, billing where you get one bill per month from PSEG. On the PSEG electric bill the delivery charges would remain the same, and the supply charges would be that of the alternative electric supplier who you sign a contract with.
PSE&G posts the total “Price to Compare” at the bottom of the electric bill even after a customer has chosen an alternative electric supplier to provide electricity. By doing this, a customer can see how much money they are actually saving every month.
PSEG electricity customers on default service will pay $0.11481 per KWh from now until the end of May 2011. They will then pay about $0.1200 (depending on their total usage) in the summer months of June through September.
PSEG customers can save money by choosing: