Compare CLP Electricity
Connecticut Light and Power (CLP) customers can reduce their home electricity bills by finding a cheaper electric rate for the supply section on their electric bill. There are still a number of Connecticut residences who are unaware of their electricity choice options.
For CL&P residential customers, you can find your competitive electric rate underneath the section “Supplier Service Detail”. If it says “Generation Service Charge $0.11051 then you are paying the CL&P default price to compare rate. This is the rate that you should compare against alternative electric rate offers.
Compared to the default rate, MX Energy is offering the lowest fixed electric rate at $0.095. This represents a savings of 14% that you can save on your monthly electric bill by taking the time to compare electricity companies. CLP continues to manage the delivery of the power and will also continue to send out the monthly electric bill even after you choose a lower electric rate.
Connecticut set up their deregulated electricity market so that the Utilities (CLP and UI) do not care if their customers leave their default service and choose an alternative electric company. Connecticut Light and Power, as well as United Illuminating Company, receive their profits through the delivery charges on your bill which are still regulated by the state.
For the lowest fixed rate in Connecticut, click here and type in your zip code.