PPL Residential Electric Rates
In Central Pennsylvania, electricity customers of PPL are finding that they can lower their monthly electric bill by comparing electricity companies and finding a competitive electric rate.
The price to compare rate for PPL residential customers, also known as the default supply rate, is $0.10448 per kilowatt hour. The lowest fixed electric rate that we have been able to find for customers in the PPL area is $0.0889 per kilowatt hour, an easy way to save 15% off of the electricity bill. To lock in these savings go to Champion Energy. The plan locks in the low rate for 12 months.
A month-to-month variable rate with 11% savings versus the PPL price to compare rate is available with Verde Energy, also known as Low Cost Power. They also have a $50 cash back bonus program when you sign up with them.
The price to compare rate is expected to be lower in 2011, but it is unlikely it will go well below 10 cents, if at all. Competitive electric rate offers allow residential customers to lock in low fixed rates for up to two years, allowing protection from rates increasing drastically.
The electricity wholesale market is highly correlated with the natural gas market. In recent years the natural gas market has been extremely volatile. In Texas, where electricity has been deregulated since 2002, customers saw all time high electric rate prices in the summer of 2008 followed by some of the lowest rates just one year later in the summer of 2009.