Compare PPL Electric Rates
A variety of electric rate products exist for PPL customers. Many Pennsylvania electric consumers have chosen a variable electric rate since capped rates expired at the beginning of the year. Most of these customers saw a sharp increase on their rates and electric bills last month. The rise in electric prices was a direct result of spiking wholesale electricity prices.
Those customers who have chosen a fixed electric rate did not see such spikes last month. Variable electric rate customers, both residential and commercial, may want to look into the security of a fixed electric rate as we approach the peak of hurricane season, which can have a negative effect on wholesale electricity prices.
PPL customers who have not switched electric companies for their supply service should shop in order to compare their options. Pennsylvania Power and Light is still responsible for the delivery of power and the maintenance of the lines and wires. However with default electric rates above 10 cents per kilowatt hour, it makes sense for all electric customers to compare electric rates in order to find savings. Lower electric rates are yielding saving between 10 and 30 percent off of electricity bills for consumers and businesses.
Compare PPL Electric Rates: