Alternative CL&P Energy Suppliers Offer Lower Electric Bills
Electricity bills in the Connecticut Light & Power service area are increasingly being reduced due to competitive power rates being offered by alternative CL&P energy suppliers. Customers are lowering the price they pay for electricity by choosing to sign electricity agreements with alternative energy suppliers who are licensed by the state of Connecticut. Choice awareness among the CL&P residential class has expanded in recent months due to rising generation supply rates that are offered by CL&P. Customers who do not choose an alternative CL&P energy supplier pay a default rate for their electricity; that rate recently saw a 25% increase.
Alternative energy suppliers have entered the Connecticut electricity choice market in hopes of gaining market share by offering electricity rates that are lower than the CL&P default price. Energy shoppers are becoming more aware of their options as alternative electricity suppliers have increased their marketing budgets. The infusion of new energy suppliers are helping to educate a larger pool of customers so that they can take advantage of the best CL&P electricity prices being offered that can result in substantial monthly savings.
Whenever rates see a significant increase consumers start to look for alternative solutions. In energy choice states such as Connecticut, the clear alternative is to shop around for a lower electricity rate. Connecticut people who are switching to alternative suppliers for the first time are often surprised as to how easy the process is and wonder why they haven’t done it sooner. The CL&P basic generation charges, the default rate, had remained stable over the last year before January 2015. With stable prices uninterested customers had little incentive to learn about electricity choice and shop the market. Now with savings above 30%, the incentive is there for customers to learn about alternative energy suppliers and their offers.