Why did NSTAR Change their Name To Eversource Energy
If you reside in the Boston area, or the surrounding suburban cities, you have grown accustom to receiving your monthly electricity bill from NSTAR. You may have been surprised in February when your electricity bill arrived with a new name on the header. Looking for the familiar NSTAR name and logo, you were instead greeted by the new company name Eversource Energy.
NSTAR has not been bought out by another company nor did they participate in a corporate merger. The name change is instead a rebranding effort by the company that owns NSTAR and several other high profile utility companies in the New England and northeast area. In addition to NSTAR, National Grid operating in both Massachusetts and New York, Western Mass Electric, and Connecticut Light & Power are all going through the name change to Eversource Energy. The company wants to create a brand name that can be easily recognized across all of the markets that they currently service.
The timing of the name change has not been good for the people at Eversource as severe rate hikes through many of the company’s electric utility default rates have taken place over the last few months, prompting consumers to think that the name change is related to the price hike. The reality is that this is just a coincidence. NSTAR, National Grid in Massachusetts, Westerm Mass Electric, and CL&P have all recently increased their electric default rates due to the results of auctions they held for the price in late 2014. The price increases are about 20-25% in Connecticut while they range from 30-100% in Massachusetts. Customers can lower their electric bills by shopping for a lower electricity supplier in their state. In an attempt to obtain new NSTAR customers, energy suppliers are offering low electricity rates in Boston that provide savings of up to 30% when compared to the NSTAR generation default price.
While the name is different the role that Eversource Energy plays is the same. This role includes delivery reliable power to homes and businesses, responding to power outages and other power lines and wires malfunctions, sending out and collecting money for the monthly electric bill, and providing a default rate for generation supply. For customers looking to lower their electric bill they can choose a lower electricity rate which will replace the Eversource default rate, even though Eversource will continue to send out the electric bill and respond to power failures.