Lower Your Orange & Rockland Electric Bills through New York Choice
Electricity choice in New York is providing substantial opportunities for Orange & Rockland customers to lower their electricity bills. Through the New York competitive electricity market, energy companies are offering fixed electric rates to residential customers that are well below the current Orange & Rockland default price to compare. The default rate is the rate for electricity customers pay who do not select a competitive New York electricity supplier.
The Orange & Rockland price to compare changes every month and closely follows the direction of the wholesale electricity market. The price to compare is set every month for the following month; default paying customers will find out how much they will pay for electricity in January during the month of December. The default rates are then locked in for one month, however if the market spikes during that month customers will see it on their bills the following month. Since switching suppliers can often take up to two months, customers who do not lock in long term fixed electricity contracts face the risk of their electric bills growing rapidly.
Even though the default rate is in effect a variable rate, disallowing customers to lock in fixed rates that guarantee themselves savings, the 12-month running average of the Orange & Rockland price to compare gives customers a good reference point when comparing prices. New York electricity residential customers can protect themselves from the potential of rising prices by locking in a fixed electric rate with a competitive supplier. Enrolling with a company offering a variable rate doesn’t make a lot of sense since, like the Orange & Rockland price to compare, the rate you choose will only be in effect for one month, after which can rise substantially.
Below is a list of electricity companies offering low rates to Orange and Rockland residential customers. Compare these prices to the 12 month running average of the Orange & Rockland price to compare to get an idea of how much you might save on your monthly electric bills.